Gymnastics for children 2-3 years old

Kids at the age of two or three can already be introduced to physical education

Starting systematic physical education as early as two years old lays the groundwork for agility, muscle development, and crucially, comprehension of instructions from authority figures—be it teachers, coaches, or parents. This early exposure sets the stage for mastering various sports in the future.

Engaging a toddler’s interest in gymnastics is best achieved through playful activities. Harnessing their innate energy and mobility, parents can steer these energies in constructive directions. Physical education sessions should be enjoyable and stimulating, fostering a positive association between gymnastic exercises and a buoyant mood. Setting a personal example by participating alongside the child amplifies their enthusiasm, with family-based workouts serving as an ideal avenue for “baby” gymnastics.

Recommended Duration and Exercise Types

For children aged 2-3, dedicating up to 60 minutes per day to purposeful physical activity is advisable. However, this isn’t about rigorous general physical training but rather infusing special games or walks with movements that promote proper musculoskeletal development.

As children grow, the duration of sessions can be increased. By the age of 6, for instance, a typical workout might extend to 120 minutes per day, potentially divided into multiple segments.

Types of Exercises:

  1. Varied Walking:
    Encourage walking on tiptoes, heels, and the outer and inner edges of the feet. Fun variations like “heels together – toes apart” or imitating the gait of animals infuse excitement into the activity.
  2. Running:
    Leveraging a child’s natural inclination to run, introduce exercises that enhance dexterity and problem-solving, such as mini-relay races or obstacle courses.
  3. Jumping:
    Capitalize on children’s innate jumping ability by incorporating tasks like jumping on specific colors or shapes, hopping on one leg, or leaping over low obstacles.
  4. Jumping Runs:
    Combine running with small jumps to improve coordination, spatial awareness, and balance.
  5. Squats:
    While traditional squats may not be feasible at this age, weaving squat-like movements into games fosters muscle preparation and body awareness.
  6. Muscle Group Work:
    Engage in arm swings, leg swings, bends, and turns, tailoring movements to suit a child’s range of motion and attention span.

By integrating these exercises into imaginative games, parents can create enriching gymnastic sessions that captivate and benefit toddlers aged 2-3. Below, we’ve included ready-made game ideas to facilitate a comprehensive gymnastics lesson.

Gymnastic Games for Kids

  1. “Merry Geese”

a) “Geese Wake Up”

  • Children stand with hands down.
  • Raise hands up through the sides, saying “Ga-ga-ga!” together.
  • Lower hands down like wings.
  • Repeat slowly 5 times.

b) “Geese Hiss”

  • Children stand with hands locked behind their back.
  • Bend forward, pull arms back, stretch neck, and say “Shhhhh.”
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat 4-5 times slowly.

c) “The Geese Hide”

  • Start standing straight with arms along the body.
  • Squat, cover head with hands like wings, then stand up.
  • Repeat slowly 3-4 times.

d) Breathing Exercise “Blowing on the Wings”

  • Stand, turn head right, raise arm to side, and inhale/exhale.
  • Repeat left side.
  • Do 3-4 sets each side.

e) “Naughty Geese”

  • Start standing still, then jump on the spot and in different directions.
  • Repeat 2-3 times for 10 seconds.
  • Conclude with the joke dialogue.
  1. “Wonderful Garden”

a) “Cabbage”

  • From standing position, arms in front, fingers connected to form a ring.
  • Repeat 3 times, one above head.

b) “Carrot”

  • From sitting position, bend legs, wrap arms around knees, and lower head.
  • Straighten up and repeat 4 times.

c) “Bunny”

  • Jump on two legs on the spot with hands forward like paws.
  • Repeat 6-7 times, accompanied by singing.
  • Conclude with slow walking to restore breathing.


  1. “Sunshine”

Coach: Let’s step out into the sunshine and enjoy a walk together.

  • Children walk on the spot as if strolling along a path.

a) “Warming Our Palms”
Coach: Imagine soaking up the sunshine, warming our hands!

  • Stretch arms forward, turning palms up and down 8-10 times.

b) “Where Is the Ray”
Coach: Look, a ray of sunshine brightens our day! Let’s turn towards it.

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist, turn body left and right. Repeat 3 times.

c) “Draw the Sun”

  • Stand and draw a large circle in the air with a straight arm, moving from the shoulder. Repeat 5 times with each arm.

d) “Reach for the Sun”

  • Stand on tiptoe, reach hands towards the sky. Hold for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 4 times.
  1. “Train”

a) Breathing Exercise

  • Inhale deeply, then exhale while making a “tu-tuuuuu!” sound. Repeat 5-6 times.

b) “Going to the Station”

  • Clench fists, bend elbows, and make circular motions simulating a train’s movement. Move forward with steps, saying “choo-choo-choo” for up to 1 minute.

c) “Forgot the Passenger”

  • Reverse the previous exercise at a slow pace to challenge coordination.

d) “From Hill to Hill”

  • With feet apart, hands on waist, perform half-squats while saying “choo-choo-choo” 6-8 times.
  1. “Trees”

a) “Leaves Rustle”

  • Raise arms up, wave hands while saying “sh-sh-sh-sh”, then lower arms. Repeat 5 times.

b) “Trees Are Swaying”

  • Stand with arms raised, lean slightly right and left like swaying trees. Repeat 6-7 times.

c) “Planting Bushes”

  • Sit down, touch floor with hands, stand up, take a step forward, and “plant a bush”. Repeat 5-6 times.

d) “Christmas Trees Are Growing”

  • Spread arms like branches, rise on tiptoe, walk while stretching upwards. After 10 seconds, return to flat feet. Repeat 3 times.

These exercises foster a love for physical activity in children. As they grow, increase repetitions, add new stories, and explore basic sports equipment.

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