Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition. What to eat before and after training?

Proper nutrition during training plays no less important role than physical exercise. A complete balanced diet, adequate to the needs of the body, directly affects performance in the gym, energy levels, muscle recovery rate and fat burning processes. Some athletes, especially at the beginning of the journey, make a serious mistake by cutting the daily calorie intake to a minimum while increasing the intensity and frequency of fitness load. This approach is not only ineffective, but also harmful to health. The basic rule of successful weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you expend, but enough for the body to function properly. Therefore, in order to get results from sports and see a slim toned figure in the mirror, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with low-calorie diets. It is enough just to competently build your diet and adhere to a few simple rules.

What and how to eat before training

  1. 1. Eat no later than 1-1.5 hours before sports. Otherwise, the blood supply will be directed to the digestive system, and not to the working muscles, which does not contribute to the effectiveness of the exercise.
  2. 2. Watch the size of portions: ideally, the amount of food eaten at a time should fit in your palms.
  3. 3. Give preference to foods that will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients to cope with physical activity. Eating before the class must include:

● Proteins are the main material for cell growth and repair, a source of amino acids. Protein includes nuts, legumes, as well as meat, fermented milk and seafood.

● complex carbohydrates are the main supplier of energy to the body. Unlike fast carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates do not lead to sharp spikes in blood glucose and are broken down more slowly, storing energy and maintaining a high level of endurance throughout the workout. Whole grains, wholemeal bread, herbs, and vegetables are rich in slow carbohydrates.

  1. 4. Avoid eating fats before exercising. Fats take a long time to digest, slow down the gastrointestinal tract and can cause discomfort in the stomach during training.

Nutrition after training

  1. 5. After sports, it is important to increase the level of glycogen depleted during the exercise, improve protein synthesis to restore muscle tissue and reduce the production of cortisol – the stress hormone. Based on this, the optimal food after training for weight loss and muscle strength gains will be the same protein. The main thing is that protein foods do not contain a lot of fat. Soy products, lentils, chickpeas, beans, egg whites, boiled chicken or turkey, lean fish are perfect. Any carbohydrate food is also acceptable, including quickly digestible carbohydrates: fresh fruits, vegetables, pasta, rice, etc.
  2. 6. It is necessary to have a snack immediately after the session, preferably in the first 20-30 minutes, since it is during this period of time that all the food eaten is entirely used to restore muscle mass, and not to fat deposits. If you postpone a meal for two hours or more, then the effect of training in the form of accelerating metabolism and strengthening the muscles will come to naught.
  3. 7. For two hours after exercising, it is better to avoid any caffeinated foods and drinks: green and black teas, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, etc.
  4. 8. Stay hydrated. Drink as much fluid as you need to rehydrate. The water should be without gas, at a comfortable temperature.

In the Premier Sport fitness center, you have the opportunity to refresh yourself immediately after training. A cozy café offering a wide range of snacks, salads, soups, hot dishes, desserts and healthy detox cocktails is at your service. 

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