How to eat properly before and after training

During active training, it is better to eat small portions, at least 3-4 times a day, and drink enough water, that is, about 30 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight.

With active training, it is better to eat small portions, but more often (at least 3-4 times a day) and drink enough water (about 30 ml per 1 kg of weight), focusing on your feelings.

IMPORTANTLY! There is no universal norm for water consumption: it depends on physiological characteristics, the level of physical activity and other factors. But when doing sports, the body actively loses water, so you need to remember to replenish the supply regularly

You need to eat a varied diet, include fruits and vegetables (at least 400 g for an adult), legumes, nuts and whole grains in your daily diet.

We recommend reducing the intake of free sugars to 10% of the daily calorie intake. That’s about 12 teaspoons of sugar for a normal-weight adult.

Eat less than 5 g of salt per day. It is better if the salt is iodized.

Maintain a balance of macronutrients (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates – BJU), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements) and monitor the calorie intake.

  • Proteins are essential for muscle recovery and growth.
  • Fats are indispensable for the synthesis of hormones and the processing of fat-soluble vitamins. Fats should be at least 30% of all energy consumed. Unsaturated fats are preferable: they are found in fish, avocados, olive oil. It is better to eat no more than 10% of daily energy from saturated fats (from baked goods, lard, butter). And avoid trans fats altogether.
  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Give preference to complex carbohydrates (found in whole grain bread, green vegetables, bran). They give a feeling of satiety, contain fewer calories, and do not cause a sharp jump in blood glucose.
  • During intensive training, it is advisable to take vitamin and mineral supplements, as the need for them increases during this period. The elements that come with food may not be enough.
  • The calorie intake and nutritional value depends on the level of physical activity, age, body weight and is calculated individually.

In an effort to lose weight, you do not need to reduce the calorie content of the diet too much, especially starve. For normal life, it is necessary to replenish energy costs. If energy is not supplied with food in sufficient quantities, the body will switch to the mode of saving internal reserves, fearing exhaustion. Then you can forget about training – there is not enough strength even for moderate activity


Morning cardio workouts on an empty stomach effectively burn fat. The next meal is two hours after the end, and then eat as usual.

Within 20 minutes of exercising, you can eat a banana, apple, yogurt, or take a sports supplement (BCAA, whey isolate).

To lose weight faster, eat more protein for breakfast on rest days: this will reduce appetite and prevent overeating.

For effective strength training, eat a full meal 2-3 hours before it. An hour before the snack (for example, a handful of nuts) is allowed. After classes, for 20-60 minutes, low-fat food is desirable. This will increase blood flow to the muscles.

To accelerate the growth of muscle mass, you can take casein, a type of protein supplement, at night.

Breakfast. To choose from: a portion of oatmeal, cottage cheese or 2-3 chicken eggs.

It is convenient to cook “lazy” oatmeal in a jar in the evening. To do this, pour oatmeal, milk (or water), your favorite fruits, berries, honey and nuts into a jar or plastic container. Mix, shake the container and leave until morning.

Snack. Protein or gainer.

Lunch. It is recommended to adhere to the so-called “plate rule”: fresh vegetables – half a plate; stewed, boiled or steamed meat or fish – a quarter of a plate; rice, potatoes or buckwheat – a quarter of a plate.

You can also eat a portion of soup for lunch.

Snack. To choose from: protein, fruit, cottage cheese or gainer.

Dinner. Fresh vegetables – three quarters of the plate, meat or fish stewed, boiled or steamed – a quarter of the plate. To gain muscle mass, you can add a side dish in the form of buckwheat or rice.

For the night. A glass of kefir or protein.

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is the same nutrients as in the usual foods, but in a concentrated form. It also provides athletes with essential micronutrients and vitamins. This helps to cope with heavy loads and achieve good results.

The right sports nutrition can improve performance, but it doesn’t have to be. It is much more important to competently build a daily diet, nutrition before and after training, learn to maintain a balance of nutrition and calorie intake.

Sports nutrition includes proteins and gainers, fat burners, amino acids, creatine, L-carnitine, vitamin and mineral complexes, isotonics, energy drinks.


The basis of sports proteins is protein mixtures. They are drunk to spur muscle growth.

Casein is absorbed slowly, maintaining the level of amino acids in the body for several hours.

Rules of administration: it is optimal to drink before bedtime.

Whey proteins are divided into concentrates, isolates, hydrolysates. The latter two do not contain fats and lactose, but they are high in protein. They are quickly absorbed and cause an increase in the level of amino acids in the first hour after ingestion.

Whey protein is considered optimal in terms of price, quality and effectiveness. It contains all the necessary amino acids, is comfortably absorbed without disturbing the acid-forming function of the stomach. Designed for dry extensions, carbohydrates and fats in it are minimal.

In addition to the main tasks, it also strengthens the immune system (by increasing the level of the antioxidant glutathione) and has a positive effect on heart function. It is useful both for gaining muscle mass and for losing weight.

Intake rules: before and after training.

Egg protein is absorbed faster than casein, but slower than whey. It also contains all the necessary acids. Suitable for athletes with lactose intolerance.

Intake rules: after training

Vegetarian protein can be pea, rice, hemp, soy. Suitable for people with lactose intolerance, vegetarians.

You can also find multi-component mixtures on sale. They contain several types of protein at once. This is a universal option, optimal for starting to get acquainted with sports nutrition.

A convenient option for a quick high-protein snack is protein bars. Read the composition carefully and choose sugar-free options with a minimum of dyes. Pay attention to the calorie content.

They are taken to increase muscle mass, eliminate the catabolic effect (muscle destruction) after intense training and replenish energy.

Admission rules:

  • The most suitable time to take a gainer is a few minutes after the end of the workout.
  • Also, the gainer can be taken before training, but no later than half an hour. The carbohydrates that are part of the gainer will provide the body with energy, which will allow you to train more intensively and longer.

Gainer is not suitable for body shaping and fat burning. The protein-carbohydrate mixture is designed for a certain type of constitution – lean (ectomorphs). People with this body type have a fast metabolism, and muscle mass is difficult to gain.

Taking amino acids as sports supplements contributes to the growth of strength and muscle mass, rapid recovery after training.

In sports nutrition, amino acids are presented in the form of monosupplements and amino acid complexes.

Complex amino acid complexes contain whey protein. Therefore, they are taken as an alternative to fast proteins.

Admission rules:

  • Half an hour before and after training.
  • On rest days – in the morning and before bedtime.

BCAA is a complex of three compounds: isoleucine, leucine, valine. These essential amino acids make up 35% of all amino acids in muscle. BCAAs are one of the best complexes for muscle growth and reducing the rate of protein breakdown.

Rules of administration: 30-40 minutes before training and after it.

For the growth of muscle mass, it is useful to combine BCAA amino acids with citrulline, protein and creatine.


It consists of three amino acids, which are produced in small quantities in the body. These amino acids are involved in tissue regeneration, the construction of tendons and bone tissue, and inhibit catabolic processes.

Creatine retains water in the muscles. Due to this, they contract better, and this increases endurance and allows you to lift more weight. Due to this mechanism of action, it is not recommended to take the supplement during drying.

There are two options for taking creatine:


For the first week (loading phase), take portions of 20 g in the morning on an empty stomach, at night and between meals. On training days, one of the techniques should be an hour before the start of training.

Maintenance phase: 5 g in the morning or before training.


Take 5 g every day in the morning or before training.

Fat burners

They accelerate the processes of metabolism and fat burning, dull the feeling of hunger. They do not affect muscle growth.

Fat burners are effective if you do sports at the same time and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. Otherwise, the result of their use is hardly noticeable.

When choosing a fat burner, you should trust well-known brands of sports nutrition.


A vitamin-like substance synthesized in the body. Effective for burning fat and maintaining relief. It also stimulates brain activity.

Rules of administration: divide the daily dose of 2-4 g into three doses – in the morning, 15 minutes before training, before bedtime.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

They supply the body with vitamins and trace elements. They are recommended both for gaining muscle mass and for fat burning. There are supplements specifically for men and women.

To select the optimal complex of vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to take a blood test for trace elements and consult a doctor. The complex should be selected individually according to the parameters of the body and the tasks of training.


Used to generate rapid explosive energy. They contain carbohydrates, vitamins, as well as strong natural stimulants: for example, caffeine or guarana extract, taurine (sulfonic acid).

Power engineers mobilize the expenditure of their own energy reserves. Therefore, their effect is short-term (usually no more than an hour). You should not expect results from them in endurance training. They are suitable for sprinters, short-distance swimmers, bodybuilders.


These are special sports drinks that help restore the water-salt and carbohydrate balance in the body after intense and prolonged exercise. Sold in liquid form or as a powder for dilution in water.

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