Water aerobics for children

So the child quickly gets used to the water and then learns to swim more easily

Children’s water aerobics is a fairly new direction in fitness. The advantages of adult classes have been known for a long time, so a set of water exercises for children has gradually been formed. It is based on elements of warm-up for young swimmers, equipment is used to teach swimming, and each coach adds something of his own to the program, approaching the lessons with imagination.

Children perceive water aerobics as entertainment: here you can jump, play, dance to music. Therefore, they are happy to attend these classes. In such an environment, the child quickly gets used to the water and then learns to swim more easily.

Children’s training is carried out in small pools. Beginners stand chest-deep in water during training, constantly feeling the bottom. This gives a sense of security. They usually start with a vertical position of the body, and as the skills are mastered, elements of horizontal execution are added.

Water aerobics is also widely used in recovery from injuries, since it is much easier to move in the water. They work according to the methods developed by doctors.

At what age can you practice

Children from the age of three can engage in water aerobics. At first, these are the simplest movements, certainly a game form of serving and a short duration of swimming. There are practically no contraindications for aqua fitness, both completely healthy children and those with special needs will be able to exercise.

The main programs of children’s water aerobics are divided into preschool, for primary and secondary school age. And starting from 13-14 years old, you can move to adult groups.

Why is water aerobics useful for children

1. Strengthens the muscular system

A big plus is that at the same time, children almost do not get tired. In the water, our body becomes lighter and the performance of movements does not require much strength. At the same time, the resistance of water increases the work of muscles, improves blood circulation in them, children become stronger and more enduring.

Each of the parents knows that it is very difficult to make a child perform the same type of movements “on land”, patience is enough for a few minutes. And in the pool it is fun.

At the same time, water relaxes and removes muscle clamps, develops flexibility.

2. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system

Any water procedures have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. The general mood in the group affects – children go to fun games, and not to exhausting training. Here you can throw out excess energy, this is facilitated by dynamic exercises and various equipment.

3. Improve posture

Being in the water, the child begins to feel his body better, trains balance, learns to work with his weight. A number of exercises help to maintain the correct position of the spine, form a muscle corset. Additional games help to maintain posture thanks to images, for example, of animals. Telling a child to “straighten his back” will have an effect for 20 seconds, but if you ask him to “show a giraffe peeking out of the water” it will work much better.

4. Help you lose weight

Excess weight in children is not an easy issue. It is difficult for a child with such a problem to do physical education in the gym, besides, not all exercises are suitable: you need to take care of the musculoskeletal system and not overload it.

Water aerobics will give an adequate load without visible fatigue, and the movement of water creates a light massage and improves metabolic processes in tissues. There is a gradual burning of fat.

The psychological aspect is also important – the child will feel more comfortable in the pool than in the gym. He is not ashamed of himself, is distracted by the game, and has better time to perform exercises in the water environment.

5. Temper the body

All water procedures strengthen the immune system, including water aerobics. Warming up on the edge, exercises in the water, diving and surfacing – all this contributes to the child’s adaptation to the temperature difference. Pediatricians note that children who visit the pool are much less likely to get seasonal colds.

6. Strengthen the cardiovascular system

Children’s aqua fitness offers a change of activities and rhythms. The heart muscle is trained, endurance increases, the body prepares for more serious sports loads.

7. Movements to music develop a sense of rhythm, improve coordination of movements

The main elements of water aerobics for children

In aqua fitness, the program is based on swings of arms and legs under water, jumping, running, push-ups on the water and stretching exercises. Additional devices are used, for example, a swimming board, balls, noodle (aqua stick).

For schoolchildren and teenagers, you can use special elements – dumbbells or a weighting belt. Aqua gloves are also added, they increase the resistance of water during movements.

Duration of classes

  • For children from three years old, classes last 20-25 minutes.
  • Age from 4 to 7 years – 30-40 minutes.
  • Older children are recommended full 45-minute classes.

Is it possible to exercise without knowing how to swim?

The answer is yes. Children who do not know how to swim can do water aerobics.

All exercises are performed at a shallow depth, using armbands and other safety equipment. Coaches control the entire course of classes and teach not to be afraid of water.

Where to do water aerobics

There are no sports sections for water aerobics, it is not a competitive sport. Classes are held on the basis of fitness clubs, city pools with a small bowl, and are practiced in school and preschool institutions.

You can start practicing in the summer at the cottage, in an inflatable or frame pool. In open water – on ponds, lakes and rivers – water aerobics is not recommended.

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